Presentation made to a panel discussion on "Civilian Deaths in Iraq: Quantitative Estimates and Policy Implications," held at the United States Institute for Peace (USIP), Washington DC, 10 Jan 2007.

Project founded in 2003 because we believed:

  1. US-UK military action against Iraq was almost certain
  2. This would involve civilian casualties
  3. There would be no official interest in recording them
  4. As citizens of the US and UK we bear watchdog responsibility

State of Knowledge slide 3

The IBC project was founded in January 2003 by a group of concerned US and UK citizens.. It was founded on 4 shared beliefs:

  1. First, US-UK military action against Iraq was almost certain
  2. Second, this would involve civilian casualties
  3. Third, there would be no official interest in recording them
  4. Fourth, As citizens of the US and UK we bear watchdog responsibility

These beliefs led to general identification of us as an “anti-war” group. Well, we were - and remain - passionately opposed to THIS war. In this respect we stand with majority world public opinion.. But where individual IBC members stand on other wars is a matter for them and them alone. We are an unincorporated, free and voluntary association of citizens, working independently from any political organisation or interest group.