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Mujbil al‑Sheikh Isa or Mijbil Issa

From the news reports:

Sitting in the cafeteria of Baghdad's convention center Tuesday, Sunni Arab law professor Mijbil Issa defended his participation in a panel writing the new Iraqi constitution and said he felt immune to the insurgent-led violence gripping the country.

In an interview, Issa described Sunni Muslim insurgents as fellow travelers, saying, "I understand them and they understand me because we share the same ideology.

"I will not advise them to give up their weapons or join the political process as long as there are foreign invaders occupying Iraq," said Issa, referring to U.S.-led troops. ...

A towering, mustachioed man in his 50s who preferred suits and ties to traditional Arab garb, Issa often acted as a spokesman for the Sunni Arabs on the committee, his colleagues said. He was known as a hard-line Arab nationalist. ...

"He always talked in conciliatory terms," said Saadoun Zubaidi, another Sunni member of the committee.

"He had a strong argument against extremist views issued by the committee. This is what happens when you establish a mentality of retaliation and vengeance."

LAT 20 Jul 2005

Age 50-59
Sex Male
Occupation Constitutional committee member
Nationality Iraqi
Marital status Unrecorded
Parental status Unrecorded

Recorded in IBC incident k1634

Location: Karrada, Baghdad

Date: 19 July 2005