Immediately after the US/UK invasion, there was a brief opportunity for civil society to establich the human cost of the war. The initiatives which rose to that challenge, or attempted to, are reviewed here.

Their efforts, like IBC's up to that time, were to prove incomplete not only from lack of resources and reliable data, as the article discusses, but because only a single phase � the invasion leading to 'regime change' � of the war was over.

Projects counting civilians killed in the war on Iraq (as of 12 Jun 2003)
Project name: Iraq Body Count
Organisation (if different) -
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Hamit Dardagan, John Sloboda
Contact details
Period covered January 2003 - ongoing
Scope Comprehensive - all media reported civilian deaths
Sources Indirect - press, media and official NGO reports
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - extensive
Stated aims (if published) “A Human Security project to establish an independent and comprehensive public database of media-reported civilian deaths in Iraq resulting directly from military actions by the USA and its allies in 2003.”
Comments Provides online database and web-counters downloadable to participating web-sites. Also publishes periodical comment and analysis on civilian casualties in Iraq.
Project name: US Bombing Watch
Organisation (if different) Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace (CCMEP)
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators -
Contact details
Period covered January 1999 - ongoing
Scope Limited - deaths through US/UK bombing raids only
Sources Indirect - press and media reports
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Not applicable
Stated aims (if published) [A CCMEP service recording “When was the last time the U.S. Bombed Iraq?”]
Comments Also collects and publishes news, comment and photographs relating to the war in Iraq and its aftermath
Project name: Operation Iraqi Freedom Total Casualty Report
Organisation (if different) Center for Defence Information, Washington (CDI)
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Armon Caglar, David Worn
Contact details ,
Period covered 21 March 2003 - 6 May 2003(?)
Scope Limited - so far only Iraqi government sources, which ended first week of April
Sources Indirect - press, media and official reports
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) “Until reporters gain unfettered access throughout the whole of Iraq, it will continue to be our position that there is simply no way to clearly ascertain the true extent of Iraqi civilian casualties. When such a time does arrive, rest assured that we will give these figures the coverage that they deserve.”
Comments Also lists coalition military deaths
Project name: Casualties of the 2003 Iraq War
Organisation (if different) -
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Pranav Jani
Contact details
Period covered 19 March 2003 - ongoing
Scope Comprehensive - media reported casualties
Sources Indirect - press and media reports
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) -
Comments Covers both civilian and military deaths and injuries.
Project name: A list of civilian victims of the war in Iraq
Organisation (if different) Swiss Foreign Ministry
Web address -
Name(s) of principal investigators Micheline Calmy-Rey, Swiss Foreign Minister (instigator)
Contact details -
Period covered Proposed 30/31 March - aborted 1 April
Scope Comprehensive
Sources Unspecified
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) “To give an overview of the number of civilian casualties and to drive home the reality of conflict.”
Comments Project aborted two days after it was announced - it would have been the first one of its kind by a government
Project name: Civilian casualties in the 2003 Iraq War: A Compendium of Accounts and Reports
Organisation (if different) Project on Defense Alternatives (PDA)
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Melissa Murphy, Carl Conetta
Contact details
Period covered 19 March 2003 - 15 May 2003
Scope Limited - selected multiple-death incidents only
Sources Indirect - Western press, media and NGO reports
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - extensive
Stated aims (if published) “To serve as a database for further investigation of the modes and dynamics of conflict that generate non-combatant casualties.”
Comments Includes direct quotes from sources it uses
Project name: Evaluation of the attacks on the civilian population of Baghdad
Organisation (if different) Spanish Brigade Against the War; Arab Cause Solidarity Campaign
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Javier Barandiaran and 8 others
Contact details
Period covered 20 March - 15 April
Scope Limited- coalition strikes on Baghdad 20 March - 15 April only
Sources Direct - completion of questionnaires by surviving civilian victims and relatives, supplemented by hospital records
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - extensive
Stated aims (if published) “To indicate the breadth, systematic nature and severity with respect to the number of civilian victims and material damage caused by the Anglo-American attacks.”
Comments Detailed reports relating to 42 attacks organised in date order, with supplementary analyses of repeated attacks on the same target, types of weapon, ages of the injured, areas of Baghdad hit, and hospitals visited.
Project name: Death toll in 19 Baghdad hospitals
Organisation (if different) Knight Ridder Newspapers
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Matthew Schofield, Nancy A. Youssef, and Juan O. Tamayo
Contact details -
Period covered 19 March - 9 April
Scope Limited - deaths in 19 Baghdad hospitals only
Sources Direct - hospital records
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) -
Comments Only 7 of the 19 hospitals surveyed are named in the press reports
Project name: Baghdad’s death toll assessed
Organisation (if different) Los Angeles Times
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Laura King
Contact details -
Period covered 20 March – 24 April
Scope Limited - deaths in the municipality of Baghdad only
Sources Direct - hospital records, Islamic burial groups and others working in Baghdad
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) -
Comments Only 9 of the 27 hospitals surveyed are named in the report
Project name: Associated Press Tally
Organisation (if different) -
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Niko Price and at least 7 other AP writers
Contact details -
Period covered 20 March - 20 April
Scope Limited - hospital-recorded deaths in “accessible” areas only
Sources Direct - hospital records
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) “Several surveys have already looked at civilian casualties within Baghdad,
but the AP tally is the first attempt to gauge the scale of such deaths
from one end of the country to the other, from Mosul in the north to Basra
in the south.”
Comments Few of the hospitals are named but a breakdown is given by "key cities"; study openly admits to incompleteness
Project name: Survey of civilian deaths in Iraq
Organisation (if different) Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Marla Ruzicka
Contact details
Period covered March 2003 - ongoing (covering entire war period up to present)
Scope Comprehensive
Sources Direct - interviews with victims and witnesses, supplemented by hospital records
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) “Getting assistance to the innocent families that are harmed, and getting a proper accounting of war.”
Comments Employing 150 local volunteers surveyors to assist in tasks such as interviewing victims' families
Project name: Survey of dead, injured, and missing
Organisation (if different) the Iraqi Red Crescent
Web address -
Name(s) of principal investigators Haidar Taie [Tari], director of tracing missing persons
Contact details -
Period covered Assumed March 2003 - ongoing
Scope Comprehensive
Sources Not stated, but assumed to be direct
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) -
Comments Hampered by US forces preventing access to some areas that saw heavy fighting (as reported 18 May) - project is now one month overdue
Project name: Survey of deaths through unexploded ordnance in Northern Iraq
Organisation (if different) Mines Advisory Group (MAG)
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Sean Sutton
Contact details
Period covered April 2003 - assumed ongoing
Scope Limited - deaths from unexploded munitions only
Sources Direct - field workers and hospital records
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? No
Stated aims (if published) -
Comments MAG's main activityis the safe removal of UXO - reporting is a secondary task
Project name: The short, medium and long-term health effects of war on Iraq
Organisation (if different) MedAct
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Gillian Reeve
Contact details
Period covered Assumed ongoing
Scope Comprehensive
Sources Direct and indirect - “health professionals, aid agencies, academics and the media”
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? Yes - partial
Stated aims (if published) “Its key objective is to obtain and publicise information about the health consequences of the war... topics to be covered include immediate and long-term mortality and morbidity; damage to health services; water, electricity, sanitation and nutritional data; environmental damage; physical and mental health; maternal and child health and the health of other vulnerable groups; and the effects of specific weapons/munitions.”
Comments “The full overview” is due for publication in the autumn.
Project name: Study on civilian suffering in war
Organisation (if different) Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard University
Web address
Name(s) of principal investigators Sarah Sewall
Contact details
Period covered Assumed ongoing
Scope Limited - unspecified sample of deaths
Sources Unspecified
Explicit data-extraction methodology published? No
Stated aims (if published) “To bolster US credibility but also contribute to better military planning next time.”
Comments -